The Greater Southern Tier Board of Cooperative Educational Services provides educational leadership, services, and support to meet the needs of our students and school districts.
We are called GST BOCES, but our full legal name is Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES.
What is BOCES?
There are 37 BOCES in New York State, and they exist to help the state's 700 school districts better serve their students through collaboration and cost containment. Click here to learn about NYS BOCES.
School districts depend on BOCES to meet their educational and financial goals by developing shared programs that serve children from all districts regardless of enrollment, income or size of tax base. BOCES help to relieve some of the financial burdens increasingly placed on local taxpayers.
Who we serve
BOCES serves 21 school districts in the Southern Tier of New York, which includes approximately 30,000 students.
What we do
GST BOCES provides dozens of services, from adult education to special education to food service management. Click here to download our current Services Guide. A complete list of services is at the bottom of this page.
Our mission
GST BOCES is an education service organization driven by customer need and a commitment to excellence, whose mission is to ensure the success of our diverse learners, parents, community members, schools, and businesses by providing collaboratively inspired, cost-effective, quality programs in an atmosphere that is safe and supportive.
We are accountable
BOCES operates within a well-defined structure of financial accountability for effectiveness and efficiency. Subject to state audits and governed by a board of education, BOCES adhere to strict reporting requirements for programs and facilities.
Notice of nondiscrimination
The Greater Southern Tier BOCES does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnic group, disability, sex, religion, religious practice, marital status, sexual orientation, or age, or under the Boy Scouts Act, in its programs, activities, admission of students, or employment. Inquiries concerning the application of regulations prohibiting discrimination may be referred to BOCES' Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Danielle Major (dmajor@gstboces.org), 459 Philo Road, Elmira, NY 14903, (607) 739-3581 ext. 2273 or U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, 32 Old Slip, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005-2500, Telephone: 646-428-3800, FAX: 646-428-3843; TDD: 800-877-8339, Email: OCR.NewYork@ed.gov.