why e-learning

Why e-Learning?

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Structure

e-Learning provides opportunities to increase student success by offering a variety of resources to our districts including:

  • Initial Credit

  • Credit Recovery

  • Virtual Tutoring

GST e-Learning can offer core content, electives, health, CTE, arts, PE, LOTE, and more. Virtual platforms offer consistent access to students and staff for a common curriculum which engages, supports, and enriches in-person learning. GST can also supply a virtual teacher of record for almost any subject.

Contact Mary Ann Munroe for more information about how e-learning can help grow your academic reach in your schools.


To provide regional students and educators access to high-quality, collaborative, data-informed, cost-effective, and inclusive opportunities for teaching and learning through the use of internet-based technologies.

Harnessing the power of modern virtual learning technologies and processes to enhance education, this service will:

Provide districts with the support and training required to locate appropriate educational videoconferencing opportunities, plan implementation strategies, and support integration of distance, online, and/or blended learning across the curriculum.

Assist districts in the design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of E-Learning initiatives, programs, learning spaces, and related technologies.

Represent the GST BOCES region at applicable regional, state, and/or national events and conferences.

Operate within the NYSED-supplied CoSER guidelines and within the bounds of our approved Service Plan.

Remain compliant with all applicable NYS Commissioners' Regulations, the guidelines of NYS Education Law 2d, and any other mandates such as FERPA, CIPA, and COPPA. (download training PDF)

Create materials -- including this website -- that are accessible to as many users as possible and meet the specifications of the GST BOCES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy. To do this, we use best practices as suggested by the a11y compliance checklist.

The E-Learning Service is one of the many services offered through the Instructional Support branch of GST BOCES. The current iteration of this service is comprised of the former Online Learning and Distance Learning services.

Budgeting Information:

Schools participating in the E-Learning Service will have one base participation fee (budget code 430.000) and can use a discretionary budget line (430.001) for district-specific expenses.

The base fee to participate in this service is calculated annually based on a districts' previous 2 years RWADA.

The base covers the expenses needed to run the basic service. This includes staffing expenses, technology equipment and supplies, office expenses, membership fees, and other things that are used to benefit all participants or maintain the service.

GST BOCES does not upcharge for resources purchased through this service to our component districts.

Participation in the GST BOCES E-Learning service is available to New York State public school districts.

This program, by NYS CoSER definition, operates from September through June (NYS Criteria Guideline #5587)

Under the current structure, all summer programming is coordinated through the GST BOCES Office of Summer School. Schools who have purchased 12-month subscriptions for online learning platforms or content can use them in the summer months without the direct support of the E-Learning Service. Virtual Teachers provided through the E-Learning service are not available during summer months.