New Visions Innovation, Leadership & Business




Bush and Coopers Campus.

Contact the Instructor

Paul Richmond
Bush Campus, Bldg. #12 Room 1225
(607) 739-3581, ext. 1363

Phyllis Lares
Coopers Campus, Bldg. #5
(607) 962-3175, ext. 2245

New Visions courses are designed for motivated, accelerated, college-bound seniors. Students accepted into this program must be in good academic standing with an excellent attendance record.

The course is for high-potential senior students who want a high school capstone experience in:
     • Teamwork and leadership
     • Communication skills
     • Research skills
     • Creative problem-solving skills, and
     • Entrepreneurship.

Class sizes are typically 15 or fewer students, all like-minded high achievers who wish to explore hands-on learning in innovation, leadership and business.

NVILB gives these high-achievers a collegial environment with greater freedom and responsibilities than a traditional classroom setting. In addition to instruction, students will be encouraged to pursue business ideas/careers of their own. The class also includes several multi-week cooperative/job shadowing experiences at community businesses, and a field trip to New York City.

Class Facebook Page - NVILB