GST BOCES STEM Academy hosted this year’s Engineering Wars on Friday,October 13th. As defending champs, we invited the NYS Region II P-TECH schools to GST BOCES to compete at the SUNY CCC campus. The objective was to construct a watercraft capable of transporting a specific amount of cargo from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Teams were provided with a power system to be integrated into the watercraft and remotely controlled from the shore. Students were given two hours to strategize and build before competing. Students also participated in a networking lunch, designed to teach students how to make connections and build professional relationships.
We couldn’t provide opportunities for students like this, without the support of our business partners.
Corning Incorporated is our main business partner and was the main event sponsor. The Hilliard Corporation and Nucor, Vulcraft New York also provided sponsorship for this event to engage and challenge our chapter 2 students this year. Because of our business partners, students are ableto receive all challenge supplies, swag bags and an event t-shirt.
It is business partner challenges and interactions that set the P-TECH program apart from other high school experiences. We continue to be extremely grateful for their investment in our students!
The winner of this year’s Engineering Wars was Oswego County P-TECH. Congratulations to all our engineers!