Congratulation to the 3 teams that competed in the regional/county Envirothon last Thursday. One of our teams finished first in the county and will advance to the NYS contest. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Mark your calendars for our Spring Hanging Basket Sale this Friday and Saturday on Bush Campus! Please direct your questions to #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Hanging Basket Sale
Check out what's happening in our School Library System. Blackout Poetry station in the library at Watkins Glen, Mrs. Race’s storytime with the Screen Actor’s Guild at Bradford and Ms. Jones leading a book talk session at Elmira City. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
New Visions Innovation, Leadership & Business student, Ethan Smith from Elmira Heights, was accepted into the United States Air Force Academy after a rigorous application process where only 11% of applicants are offered admission. Congratulations, Ethan! #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Student Recognition
Congratulations to each of our students who competed at SkillsUSA State Competition and to those who were awarded medals. Special congratulations to Camden Chapel for earning FIRST PLACE in Automotive Refinishing Technology. Nationals here we come! (More photos of SkillsUSA coming soon.) #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
A few photos of our fantastic students at SkillsUSA today. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
New Visions Health Career students held a Healthy Living Day for our Phoenix Academy students this week. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
New Visions
Thank you to our GST BOCES administrative professionals and to the administrative professionals in our 21 component districts. We appreciate each of you. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Administrative Professionals Day
#PROUDTOBEGST Visit our Celebrations page to view other student celebrations.
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Coopers Top of the Trade
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Computer Services Fact
Thank you, Chancellor @JohnBKing and Dr. Mullaney for visiting STEM Academy today at @SUNY_Corning. Our STEM Academy students did a great job presenting and conversing with @SUNYChancellor. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Dr. King and Dr. Mullaney
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
student smiles
Need an 8 X 12 shed? Bush campus has sheds built by our Building Construction program at a new low price of $2,000. Customers provide delivery. Those interested should contact Mr. Hansell directly at
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Tired of waiting for your favorite educational media to load? Do you want to be part of a blazing fast 100GB/s network? Well, look no further! GST BOCES is now part of NYSERNET, a purpose-built Research & Education Network (REN) that provides ultra-high-speed connectivity to educational, medical, and scientific institutions. GST RIC Technology Leaders recently attended a presentation highlighting all NYSERNET has to offer the region. Attendees witnessed a teacher conducting a lag-free remote music class, a virtual field trip to the Getty Museum, the presidential primary sources project through Internet 2, and a host of other features. Lag free is the way to be, which is why we’re all #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Computer Services
Students had a great time this week showing their superintendents, principals and other staff what they are working on at GST BOCES. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
GST BOCES held a successful Spring Employers Day at Bush Campus with over 90 business partners interviewing our students. Thank you to those who attended. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Spring Employers Day
A couple weeks ago we put caterpillars into an enclosure and then about week later they formed their chrysalis. Check out our first butterfly emerge. The kids took turns giving the butterfly sugar water and were so excited to see our new friend. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Two students in our New Visions Health Careers program at GST BOCES Bush Campus have gained direct acceptance into medical school as high school seniors! Congratulations Aiyana and Connor. Aiyana Miles @ EHeightsSchools was accepted into the SUNY Polytechnic Upstate Accelerated Scholars Program. She will receive her bachelors degree from SUNY Polytechnic and then enter right into Upstate Medical University's School of Medicine. Connor Jackson @HhdsSchools was accepted into the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Early Acceptance Program. Connor will start at CCC, and then finish his bachelors degree at SUNY Geneseo. Upon completion of his bachelors degree, he will enter right into medical school at LECOM. #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
It's time to register for Summer of Innovation 2023! To learn more or to register, go to #PROUDTOBEGST
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam
Summer of Innovation
Sharing some student successes. #PROUDTOBEGST @CPPSchools @CSCSPanthers
almost 2 years ago, GST TechTeam